Posts filed under Kn@ppster

“The Libertarian Guy”: If…

“The Libertarian Guy”: If you’re not a citizen, you damn well SHOULD notify the government you’re here.


“The Libertarian Guy”: That same government has no damned business knowing MY business, however.

Why not?

Why do you think the government is justified in making this distinction solely on the basis of nationality? Why has it got more of a right to demand, without probable cause, to know the whereabouts and intentions of (say) Mexican immigrants, than it has to know yours?

Or, in other words, why do you make distinctions as to whether blanket surveillance is or isn’t justified based solely on nationality?

Please note that I’m asking a moral question, not a question of constitutional law. So set aside arguments about what the U.S. Constitution does or doesn’t allow for the moment, and put it in your own words.

Wendy Terry: Last year,…

Wendy Terry: Last year, about 135,000 “other than Mexicans,” or OTMs, were apprehended in Texas. Most were released on their own recognizance pending deportation hearings. But many failed to show up for their hearing dates, disappearing into the U.S. interior. … Are they terrorists? We don’t know because they were released.


What, did you think that systematic government searches and surveillance without probable cause are something that ought to be efficiently and successfully carried out?

“The Libertarian Guy”: “As…

“The Libertarian Guy”:

“As Dennis Miller put it… we don’t mind if you come here, but at least sign the f’in guest book first.”

Why should they?

Do you notify the government of your whereabouts and plans at all times? Do you think that you should be forced to?

Knapp: “The warrantless wiretaps…

Knapp: “The warrantless wiretaps are clearly and unambiguously illegal. I know it. You know it. Babbin and York knew it. And Bush knew it.”

This is very probably true. But if it weren’t illegal, do you think that would have made it O.K. for Bush to order warrantless domestic spying?