Posts filed under Anarchogeek

N.B.: Think what you…

N.B.: Think what you will of professed “anarcho-capitalists”; Roderick is not one. He identifies himself as an individualist anarchist in the tradition of Benjamin Tucker. He talks with anarcho-capitalists, and is willing to use their terminology when it helps to make a point, but he has also repeatedly raised worries (to them and in public) about identifying with “capitalism” given the origins of the term and the critique by the 19th century individualists that Rothbardians sometimes claim as their allies.

As Chuck0 says, it’s your project and your call, but it’s important to keep in mind what positions Roderick is actually arguing for and how he actually identifies himself. How to deal with people who do explicitly identify themselves with anarcho-capitalism is another, separate question.

Good post. I’m excited…

Good post. I’m excited about the crosslinking and cross-pollination I’ve been seeing too.

A technical note: rather than keyword screening, might it be best to just encourage people to submit a category feed, if your blog ranges over a lot of (say) non-political topics? Most blog software makes this not too difficult to set up, if it doesn’t come that way straight out of the box. I don’t have category feeds set up for my blog yet, but I know I’d be glad to do it and put up some information to help others do it, if there were a demand for it. I just fear that keyword screening is going to be a pain to manage and turn up too many false negatives.