“To those admirers of…

“To those admirers of the minimal state, perhaps now is a good time to ponder the puzzling thrill we get from the current union, a government that we long ago deemed morally impermissible …”

Is this a royal “we”? I, for one, certainly don’t get a thrill from the current union or the (perfectly revolting) theo-nationalist humbug perpetrated on its behalf. Of course, I am not a minimal statist, so maybe I’m not the target audience of this post.

I would note, though, that this is simply looking at the problem the wrong way.

If the question is one of risking your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor in the name of another fucking government, then it’s perfectly reasonable that nobody’s going to be very interested in doing so without layering a bunch of superstition and theo-nationalist humbug on top of the State apparatus.

However, if the question is one of risking your life, your fortune, and your sacred honor in defense of your own freedom against the menace of a would-be tyrant, then I hear sometimes people do get pretty excited about that, even when there’s no crown or flag or bureaucratic apparat involved.


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