piny: I agree that…


I agree that there’s a difference. My concern is over just what “engaging with the text” is supposed to mean in this context.


I’m not concerned with whether you’re “nice” or “rude” towards MacKinnon, Morgan, et al. What I’m wondering is whether or not you are trying to represent their work fairly and accurately in the course of criticizing it, given that you apparently deny this in the comment above. Maybe you meant something else by it, in which case my worries are misplaced.

So, just to be clear, in this series of posts (I know that in other posts you’ve taken a very different argumentative stance), are you just saying that you intend to return rudeness because you think you’re getting rudeness from the contributors? Or are you also saying that you intend to return uncharitable reading, cheap-shot argument, etc., because you think you’re getting uncharitable reading, cheap-shot argument, etc. from the contributors? If it’s the former, then that’s my bad for reading too much into your statement. But if it’s the latter, then why would this kind of “you-too” argument excuse perpetrating more of the same stuff that you’re condemning?


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