H.B.: They had several…

H.B.: They had several booths set up celebrating this most important of anatomical objects. Well, until the last one which was about the horrors of sexual assualt.

Well, how dare they. Didn’t those crazy feminists know that the point of feminism is to make you feel comfortable and pleased with the world?

Tony: Hate to break it to Maureen and all her soul sisters, but powerful men are not interested in women who behave like men. They are interested in women. Feminine women. Women who make them feel like men, not geldings. Women they can protect. Women for whom they can open doors. Women who specifically need what men can and want to provide.

Please don’t presume to speak for the desires, interests, and beliefs of men you have never met. Some men aren’t dependent on overt rituals of vulnerability, dependence, and machismo to make them feel good about themselves. Some men don’t even think that feeling “like men” specifically is all that important to living a good life. I don’t know whether this is true of “powerful men” specifically, but I don’t have much reason to think that their desires, interests, and beliefs are any less diverse than those of the men that I do know. Do you?


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