Well, there’s nothing unusual…

Well, there’s nothing unusual about it. The problem is that the blowhards with the loudest bullhorns in the Democratic Party — liberal educated professionals and college students — tend to combine a sanctimonious sense of self-worth with a lack of any real class consciousness. So they tend to use their privileged position to spread idiot notions like the idea that college campuses, of all places, have been the center of antiwar sentiment in the past few decades (in fact, likelihood to support both the Vietnam War and the Iraq occupation has been directly proportional to the level of educational attainment), or that poor people (in the South, particularly) are responsible for Bush’s win in 2004 (whether through their own depravity or through the Democrats’ failure to “reach out” to them and mainline enough of the opiate of the masses). The thing is it’s all claptrap, and it’s destructive claptrap that may satisfy comfortable liberals’ sense of embattled superiority in enclaves like Portland or Ann Arbor, but actually cripples any chance at offering a serious alternative to the Republican Moloch. Pointing this out was the major point of the post.


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