Tim S. said that…

Tim S. said that Democrats should: “Blame yourselves, and blame your party for ignoring how most of working class america feels about moral and domestic issues.”

But Tim, “working class America” didn’t vote for George Bush; it voted for John Kerry.

If only people making under $50,000 per year had voted, John Kerry would have beaten George Bush 55%-44%. (In fact, John Kerry would have even won Dixie, 50%-49%.)

In fact, if only people making under $100,000 per year had voted, John Kerry still would have beaten George Bush by a margin of 50%-49% nation-wide.

Kerry won every single income bracket from under $15,000/year to $30-$50,000/year. It’s professionals making more than $50,000/year who voted for George Bush, and the richest 18% (people making $100,000/year or more) who put him over the top.

(Source: CNN Election 2004 national exit polls, http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/US/P/00/epolls.0.html and Southern regional exit polls, http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2004/pages/results/states/US/P/00/epolls.3.html)

Working-class people don’t elect Republicans. Middle managers, CEOs, and trust-fund babies do. If the Democratic Party wants to win more in the future, then obfuscation about who their electoral base actually is certainly won’t do.


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