Where Did Soul-Sucking Office-Speak Come From? | VICE | United States [via Facebook]
So every time someone’s explanation of a phenomenon falls back to “memetics,†I immediately wonder whether they have really made a serious or fair attempt to understand what other people mean or why they do what they do.
Where Did Soul-Sucking Office-Speak Come From? | VICE | United States
How did we get to the point where people are constantly spouting nonsense about “deliverables,” “drill-down,” “catch-up,” “moving forward,” and “quick wins”?
via Facebook http://bit.ly/1zyibA5
15 Photos That Capture Real Life on the Streets of Detroit Today [via Facebook]
There’s way too much hipster twee in this, but reposted for featuring several photographs of Detroit that have living people in them.
15 Photos That Capture Real Life on the Streets of Detroit Today
Photograph Dave Jordano reveals the enduring spirit of a city that’s jump starting itself in Unbroken Down (2010-2014).
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James M. Tuttle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [via Facebook]
Immortals secretly dwell among us, faking their deaths and not even changing their names. http://ift.tt/10tO1yN
James M. Tuttle – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Madison Tuttle (September 24, 1823 – October 24, 1892) was a soldier, businessman, and politician from the state of Iowa who served as a general in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He commanded a brigade and then a division in the Army of the Tennessee in several campaigns in the…
via Facebook http://ift.tt/10tO1yN
Senate | Student Government Association | Auburn University [via Facebook]
Auburn folks:
Spectrum at Auburn sent out this e-mail asking for folks to take a second to write their SGA Senators to vote in favor of an upcoming resolution to improve access to unisex bathrooms on campus for those who need them. E-mail follows. In related news, I just sent out more e-mails with the signature “War Eagle” in the last 5 minutes than I have done in the previous 33 years of my life.
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Hi everyone,
In case you haven’t heard yet there is currently a resolution making it’s way through the SGA senate regarding the implementation of unisex restrooms. This is something that Spectrum has been working on for a long time and I probably don’t need to tell you why this would be a good thing for Auburn. If you are a student please contact your senators to express support for the resolution. Contact information for all of the senators can be found here:
If you have nothing to do on Monday at 7:30, you are also encouraged to come to the SGA senate meeting itself and give your own reasons for supporting this resolution during the open floor time.
Here is a letter template that you can use all you need to do is add your name and college. Of course you are free to edit it however you like:
Dear Senators,
My name is (insert name here) and I am a student in (insert college here). I am contacting you to express my support for the resolution regarding the implementation of unisex restrooms. This would help a wide variety of people in our community. This could be anyone from a student in a
wheelchair that needs assistance from someone that may not be the same gender as they are to a transgender student who is concerned about being harassed simply for using the restroom. As the Auburn family we must strive to be inclusive. It is also important to note that the way that this resolution is written there is no cost to the student body.
Also, this resolution requests that the interactive campus map be updated with regards to unisex restrooms. Currently the map has a number of inaccuracies and misrepresents the actual number and location of unisex restrooms on campus. I believe this has been brought up with the administration but still nothing has been done. A resolution from the SGA could be the push that is necessary for the map to be updated.
For these reasons, I ask you to vote in favor of the resolution on Monday. Thank you for your time.
Senate | Student Government Association | Auburn University
Serve. Promote. Unify.
via Facebook http://ift.tt/1Asv0xa
FBI Arrests Former SpaceX Employee, Alleging He Ran The ‘Deep Web’ Drug Marketplace Silk Road 2.0 [via Facebook]
1. Frak. 2. Are folks working on legal support?
3. So we need to talk about new security models for online black markets.
FBI Arrests Former SpaceX Employee, Alleging He Ran The ‘Deep Web’ Drug Marketplace Silk Road 2.0
The site was the deeb web’s biggest drug marketplace.
via Facebook http://ift.tt/1vOZHok
November 06, 2014 at 01:02PM [via Facebook]
Actions may be legal, or they may be illegal. Whether they are moral or not is a totally separate questions. (When the law is wrong, lawbreaking is the right thing to do.) But while actions may be illegal, people are not. A person’s existence and life and worth aren’t reducible to the papers that they carry or the legal or political status that they have, and referring to people by their legal status alone is dehumanizing and insulting to them, as well as coarsening and brutalizing to the person doing it. It encourages the worst in those who do it and justifies inhuman reactions to those it is done to. No human being is “illegal.â€
November 06, 2014 at 09:47AM [via Facebook]
Good God I have so much butternut squash soup right now. I feel like a hipster restaurant.
Rad Geek People’s Daily 2011-10-14 – Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against… [via Facebook]
Remember, remember the Fifth of November 2014 is the third anniversary of the publication of Markets Not Capitalism. Many happy returns and countless thanks to my co-editor Gary Chartier, and to our publishers, Stevphen Shukaitis and Minor Compositions and the Autonomedia Collective, for helping to recover and renew a vital conversation within the Anarchist tradition, as well as doing so much to help start so many fascinating new ones; to all of our contributors, living and late; to Stephanie Murphy for her amazing work in preparing the audio book, to Alan Furth for his amazing, ongoing work in preparing a Spanish translation; to Jason Lee Byas and to all the participants in the SFL Past & Future of the Libertarian Left VRG who have been hosting a fascinating study and dialogue around several of the essays this fall; to James Tuttle and C4SS, who have indefatigably and very kindly promoted the book and helped to get it into many new hands; and to all of the contributors, readers, reviewers, interlocutors and everyone else who’s made this such a fascinating exchange.
Rad Geek People’s Daily 2011-10-14 – Markets Not Capitalism: Individualist Anarchism Against…
This is a page from the Rad Geek People’s Daily weblog, which has been written and maintained by Charles Johnson at radgeek.com since 2004.
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