Posts filed under Reclusive Leftist

George Allen is a…

George Allen is a white supreamcist creep to be sure, but there’s no need to compare him to the neo-Nazis. White supremacist creeps have filled out the political classes of Virginia since 1619. The NSDAP — let alone the Reich revivalists — are a bunch of johnny-come-latelies by comparison.

Well I don’t think…

Well I don’t think Hugo is as bad as some have painted him here. Yet I too must admit to being puzzled by his continued friendships with MRA types. … I mean they HATE his guts … I don’t pretend to understand, maybe it’s a Christian thing. He feels like he’s reaching out to sinners or something in the hope of redeeming them.

One of the things that seems to happen with Hugo and MRA bully boys, or other anti-feminist commenters, is that whenever there is a round of criticism over his friendship with some of them, or with his attitude towards their participation in his comments section, one or two regular MRA/anti-feminist comenters will pipe up about how they think he’s a great guy, how they learn a lot from his site, how it’s changed their views about feminism even though they still disagree with Hugo about many things, etc. etc. etc. These individual commenters may very well be sincere in what they’re saying, but whether they personally are sincere or not, it allows Hugo to think that they, as a group, have a better opinion of him as a person than most of them actually do, and that they are more receptive to what he’s saying than most of them actually are.

In this connection, you might check out the first comment posted in reply to Hugo’s reply to this post.