... For whatever it's worth, Mises was no anarchist but he was indeed an atheist; he thought that, among other things, he had an apriori praxeological argument
In LeftLibertarian2@yahoogroups.com, Joshua Katz ... Well, no it isn't; not if "logicism" is supposed to actually correspond to the program
... No. But it does satisfy an existential quantifier, e.g. "If there were people here saying...." For what it's worth, I think that Juan's statements on this
In LeftLibertarian2@yahoogroups.com, Joshua Katz ... I agree that this was *somebody's* idea of things, and it is the idea which Goedel set out
In LeftLibertarian2@yahoogroups.com, "Nathan Byrd" ... To be fair, the article Juan started out by trashing *did* directly compare Ludwig von
... There was plenty of complicity among ordinary Germans during Nazi rule, but the oft-repeated claim that Weimar Republic voters "elected Hitler" is actually
... That happened from time to time; at least as common, or more, it was also employed as a strategy to control or punish the "bad" behavior of socially
... During Fall 2002 and Spring 2003, when they called up Clark to ask him what he thought about war on Iraq (which they did a fair number of times), his
... I agree with you about that, and it sucks that some people at Reason don't see that. ... The stink of what, on what? Most libertarian publications I read
... Like most of the rest of the Obama administration, the Secretary of War refuses to believe in or loudly argue for the righteousness of murdering thousands