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Re: “The term ‘Philosophic Anarchist,’ as Fred Schulder justly said, is merely a cloak for a great many who hate to be considered fools, and yet haven’t the courage to admit that they are opposed to present society.”


The quotation you’ve pulled from Liberty here (“But prudence is understood to be a virtue . . .”) may well be representative of Schulder’s views, but the words you quote are not by Fred Schulder. The article you’re quoting from (“Who Is A Rascal?”) is by Steven T. Byington; Fred Schulder wrote the article immediately above it, “A Healthy Sign.”

The formatting that Anarchy Archives did on the issue unfortunately makes this less than clear, but Tucker more or less always put author’s signatures at the end of the articles, not above the headlines, as you can see in the original page layout.

Hope this helps.

Facebook: August 02, 2012 at 10:46AM

In better news: there’s a mailing going out today. MA #31 includes essays on the corporate economy and state domination by Anthony Gregory and Anna O Morgenstern. ACS #18 includes an Introduction to libertarianism by Charles T. Sprading.

Facebook: June 15, 2012 at 10:16PM

is printing up this month’s Anarchist Classics and Market Anarchy booklets. For June ’12: Proudhon’s “Epilogue” to the General Idea of the Revolution in the 19th Century, and a collection of conversations on economic aspects of worker ownership, self-management, technology, and distributed systems. Tonight, the printing, the folding, the stapling. The mailing, after the weekend, when we’re able to get to a post office in Maine.

Facebook: May 30, 2012 at 01:48PM

is folding / stapling / bundling booklets for May’s Market Anarchy / Anarchist Classics shipment. This month: Darian Worden’s column on Distributed Social Power, and Proudhon’s 1849 essay on The State: Its Nature, Object, and Destiny (as translated by Benj. R. Tucker and serialized in Liberty).