Shocker: NSA Tools for Spying on Foreign Terrorists Used by DEA to Bust Americans for Drugs [via Facebook]
Via Anthony Gregory and Keith Taylor
Of course the NSA’s spying has been used to prosecute U.S.-American drug cases. Every single fascist National Security monitoring program, surveillance policy, financial regulation and executive power that has been created over the last 20 years in the name of “counter-terrorism,” including large sections of Clinton’s AEDPA and Bush Jr.’s PATRIOT Act, has repeatedly been utilized by the DEA to gather evidence and coerce testimony in drug cases. Every single National Security state program, regardless of its alleged purpose, has been used to double down on the federal government’s insane and destructive prosecution of a “War on Drugs.” This one is no different.
Even if there were such a thing as a limited National Security state– a way to create a counter-terrorism-only police state, which would focus on a single threat without creating a general, all-powerful police state in the process– it would still mean shredding civil liberties, targeting people and activities which ought to be presumed innocent, and it would still be destructive and wrong. But, in any case, there is no such thing. There is no way to focus a police state on only one group of people or one part of life; there are no partial or limited police states. There is only a police state– one which will come for you sooner, or later.
Shocker: NSA Tools for Spying on Foreign Terrorists Used by DEA to Bust Americans for Drugs
Reuters has an important scoop on the use and concealment of anti-terrorism data intelligence on Americans involved with disfavored intoxicants: A secretive
via Facebook
- —Rad Geek