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Pro-Choice in Auburn? Let’s Talk
There’s going to be a meet-up in Auburn, Alabama in a couple of weeks to discuss reproductive rights, access to abortion in east Alabama, Alabama’s laws restricting clinics and access, and projects to start an abortion fund in east Alabama to help overcome barriers to access, and what we can do together to resist stigmatization, overturn anti-abortion laws, and build more of a community supporting reproductive freedom for women in Alabama, the South, and the U.S. Plans will be made, bread will be broken, light refreshments will be served. Contact alabamaaccess@gmail.com for details. Come on out if you’re pro-choice in the Opelika & Auburn community.
When: Saturday, August 3, 2013
Time: 4:00pm
Contact alabamaaccess@gmail.com for details.
- —Rad Geek