Facebook: Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature
So this is the end-product of a few days of tinkering and not yet really intended for serious public consumption, but I’ve been toying with different ways of trying to make more of the scanned material I have from FREE SOCIETY easily browseable and digestible (as well as a bunch of stuff going on on the back-end to make it as easy as psosible for me to just upload the files and have them quickly integrated into the system). Any thoughts on how it looks/works on your end (other than “God, a frameset interface, what is this, 1997”)?
Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature
Table of Contents provided by the Fair Use Repository. The scanning effort and the resulting facsimiles are thanks to Charles W. Johnson.
via Facebook http://fair-use.org/free-society/issue/345- —Rad Geek