Facebook: May 24, 2012 at 10:38PM

Dear The Nation magazine: Just received your e-mail of 5/24, asking “Why Is Obama Funding A Murderous Regime?” Seriously?

I am glad that you have discovered U.S. foreign aid to the Honduran government, and that you have realized that this is a problem. But I have no idea why you act so surprised. Mr. Obama’s administration has killed thousands of people every year in by perpetuating wars, escalating wars, and starting new wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, etc. And the Obama administration’s military and police aid policies in Honduras are in no significant respect different from U.S. military and monetary support to generation after generation of repressive regimes in Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Colombia, Argentina, Venezuela, Chile, etc. etc. etc. by literally every President of the U.S.A. for more than 100 years now. Does it really take much wondering to figure out why the primary alliances of one murderous regime, are to other murderous regimes?

Sincerely, Charles W. Johnson


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