I Am Not A…

I Am Not A Women’s Studies Major, so feel free to hit me with a copy of Our Blood if this is completely off-base, but my suspicion is that phenomena like this…

“Unfortunately (and I don’t know what school your friend attends) it’s not uncommon to not read Dworkin. I’m a Women’s Studies major at Loyola and the most “radical” feminist we’ve read in class was MacKinnon.”

… mostly come from a pretty widespread lack of attention to WL movement literature, in favor of academic work produced by professional Women’s Studiers. (Quick test: how many WS classes involve SISTERHOOD IS POWERFUL or NOTES FROM THE FIRST YEAR? How many of them involve GENDER TROUBLE?) Catharine MacKinnon gets a pass, unlike most radical feminist activists, because in addition to being an activist she also works within the academy as a legal theorist, and decks out her books with the appropriate number of footnotes.


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