dadahead: “… having a…

dadahead: “… having a laugh at the expense of 1,000 dumbass cult members doesn’t really bother me.”

Two metal buckets of grape Flavor Aid laced with Valium and cyanide were brought into the assembly hall and the mixture was dispensed in small paper cups. Babies and children were the first ones to ingest the mixture as it was squirted into their throats with a syringe.

Hours after news of the mass suicide [sic] got out, local authorities found 913 of the 1,110 inhabitants dead, including 276 children.

Yeah, all those “dumbass” murdered infants. What a laugh riot. Maybe we can replace it with a topical zinger about, say, Andrea Yates’s kids—“Don’t get in the bathtub!” Hardy har har.


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