Andrew: Interesting, since I’m…


Interesting, since I’m probably more liberal than most Democrats and feminists. Unlike that wonderful feminist, Hillary Clinton, I opposed the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq, the war it green-lighted, and the subsequent occupation. Unlike the feminist John Kerry, I support same-sex marriage.

Well, that settles it, then. Congratulations on having managed to move to the left of two weak-kneed moderate Democrat Presidential hopefuls. I’m sure I’m not alone here in standing in awe of your relentless ideological commitment.

It’s kind of hypocritical for you to be criticizing my reading comprehension skills since you and other gender feminists obviously can’t read the US Constitution or you would know that the 14th Ammendment doesn’t contain a “right to privacy.”

(1) You keep using that phrase, “gender feminists.” Just what do you mean by it, anyway? I’m curious, because I keep seeing it used and I have absolutely no idea what it means, if it is supposed to mean anything beyond “feminists that the speaker finds icky.” Could you explain to me what characteristics all and only gender feminists have, which set them apart from the good feminists that you like?

(2) Portraying the doctrine of a Constitutional right to privacy as if it were the invention of some coven of “gender feminists” is either wilfully ignorant or else disingenuous. If you are going to pride yourself on being able to read, you should also spend a little time reading Supreme Court decisions, especially the majority opinion in Griswold and Roe (authored by those notorious gender feminists William O. Douglas and Harry Blackmun). Of course, you can agree or disagree with the Court’s findings (which incidentally draw on principles underlying the Bill of Rights — especially the 4th Amendment and the 9th Amendment — not just the 14th). But you’ll have to actually address their arguments, not just lamely point at the Constitution (which they, of course, read, and cited in their decisions). And you ought to recognize that your issue is with decades-old settled case law in the United States, not with “gender feminists.”


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