Ian: “For this authorization…
Ian: “For this authorization to be effective requires only majority vote. Hence; democracy is the tyranny of the majority.”
So, again, what you’re saying is indeed that other people (when enough of them get together) “authorize” the government to coerce me.
The majority of people “authorize” the government to do all kinds of things not enumerated in the Constitution. An overwhelming majority of people approve, for example, of the Social Security, Medicaid, the Drug War, etc. So how is it, on your theory, that the government has the authority to enforce the terms of the Constitution but not to enforce anything else that 50%+1 of the population happens to favor? If that’s good enough to ordain and establish the Constitution, it’s good enough to ordain and establish any extra-Constitutional program you like. If majority vote legitimately authorizes the Constitution, it can also legitimately overturn absolutely any limits the Constitution tries to impose.