Macker: One way we…
One way we can keep distinguish between those immigrants who wish to freeload off others and those who do not (my preference as you obnoxiously put it) is to establish rules that disallow the freeloading. For instance one could make it illegal for first and second generation immigrants from going on the dole and that doing so would revoke citizenship.
Fine. Let’s do it. Now will you start working for this, rather than for calling for immigrants to be shot at the border?
And hey, why stop there, anyway? Why not try to make it so that nobody can go on the dole at taxpayer expense?
One could require the immigrants to provide some form of bond or insurance that would ensure that they would not have to be cared for by the state.
This will only create exactly the same monitoring and enforcement problems as any other form of ex ante immigration control. (Who do you want to verify that they have the right level of assets? The IRS? Who do you want to take action against them if they don’t match up? La Migra and the Border Patrol?) As such it involves a violation of the rights of numerous innocent third parties, and falls to the same objections. It’s also completely unnecessary if you make it impossible for immigrants to go on the dole anyway.