lirelou: Every protest against…
lirelou: Every protest against any government policy brings out its share of moonbats and radicals with old axes to grind.
Are you claiming that carrying a Mexican tricolor in an immigration protest qualifies you as a “moonbat” or “radical” with “old axes to grind”? If so, do you feel the same way about Italian-Americans carrying the Italian tricolor on Columbus Day, or about Irish-Americans carrying the the Irish tricolor in St. Patrick’s Day parades?
lirelou: Immigration needs to be fixed, and the protests will perhaps pressure Congress to get on with it. But no one who has entered this country illegally should be allowed to jump ahead of those who’ve obeyed the law and remained outside pending adjudication of their immigrant visas.
The simple solution to this “problem” is to decriminalize all immigrants immediately without requiring any further paperwork. Then there won’t be any queue to “jump ahead” in.
lirelou: We do need immigrant man (and woman) power, but we must ensure that it is brought in to this country in accordance with the rule of law.