earlbecke: I have to…


I have to seriously question anyone who claims to be an ally who is willing to use gender-based, anti-gay, racist, ablist, etc., slurs. (Not in a reclaimatory sense, of course. Totally different discussion.)


Translation: you’ll extend the courtesy of accepting intentionalism to people you like.

Except, Robert, that the difference between “reclamatory” and “non-reclamatory” uses of slurs doesn’t just have to do with the intentions behind them. It also has to do with substantive differences in how they are used. So treating “reclamatory” uses of slurs differently from more mundane uses of them need not have anything in particular to do with “intentionalism.”

I know how you love to fire off a good zinger over Lefties holding their comrades to lower standards than everyone else, but I’m afraid you’re going to have to try harder than this.


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