July 15, 2015 at 11:44AM [via Facebook]
Let’s say you run a big health insurance company and you want me to pay you money, regularly, every month. You should:
(a) Prominently place the current balance and the information and settings for payment accounts on the front page when you log in, perhaps even more prominently than your worthless health tips newsletter
(b) Tuck away information about current balance and payment accounts somewhere on your main website behind an out of the way link that you can’t see without searching for it
(c) Segregate all information about balances and payment accounts onto a completely different website on a different domain, used only for one of the hundreds of different byzantine sub-brands that your company has for holding different kinds of plans, which special domain you’d have no reason to use in ordinary interactions with the company and which you only know about if you search through past e-mails and which requires a different sign-in account from the main website, with arbitrary rules that may actually prevent the user from using the same username on both websites and a registration form that requires entering an unrelated, arbitrary 7 digit number that you can’t even get from your policy information on the main website.