I am glad to see something, anything happening at last on immigration, and I am immensely happy for the families that will be able to sleep a little easier tonight. But this so little too late, and it is not nearly enough. No oone should face deportation. Not the families and not the singles. Not the straight immigrants and not the queer immigrants. Not the hard workers and not the no-account. Not the “good” immigrants, and not the “bad” immigrants. Nobody should be thretened with being shot at the border, thrown out of their home, turned out of their job, cut off from their life, just because of where they were born. That is ridiculous: of course people should be left alone, free, to live their own lives, withut needing a permission slip from the United States government. No one should be threatened with deportation. Not “just†400,000 a year (!), not even one more. No human beinf is illegal. Not one.
Here is a good analysis of who may be helped by expanding deferred action, and who the president is still throwing under the bus, in the name of respectability politics: