November 21, 2014 at 07:07PM [via Facebook]
Well, of course I support the right of immigrants who are accused of being “gang members” or who are convicted felons to remain in the United States. Everyone has a life to live and people have rights, even if they are bad or dangerous people. (*) I don’t think that USAmericans who join gangs or commit crimes should be thrown out of the country for what they did; I think that they should be allowed to get on with things and try to rebuild their lives. Why would I think that people from other countries should be treated worse, just because of where they were born? There is no non-discriminatory reason at all to justify deporting immigrants with criminal records, if you’re not proposing to permanently exile everyone who ever got a criminal record. And if you are proposing to permanently exile everyone who ever got a criminal record, then you are advocating political brutality of a kind that frightens me far more than any kind of street crime.
#Not1More #NotEvenOne #NoMatterWho #EndDeportation