Should We ‘Fix’ Intersex Children? [via Facebook]
Q. “Should ‘we’ cut up healthy infants, performing extensive urogenital surgery without consent and without asking them what they want?”
A. . . . No.
Q. “But what about making sure the child looks normal?”
A. How is that possibly any of your business? If someone wants surgery then they can and should be given access to it *by their own choice* when they are old enough to ask for it. In any case, “normality” is not a commandment, it’s other people’s expectations. If other people’s expectations are pushy and invasive and focused on preserving genital-correctness and a constrictive gender binary, then those expectations suck, and it’s the expectations that ought to be changed, not non-consenting infants’ bodies.
#QuestionTheGenderBinary #AbolishMedialCoercion #SexIsASocialConstruct
Should We ‘Fix’ Intersex Children?
Standard medical practice is often to operate to “normalize” genitals, but some families are fighting back.
via Facebook