Hey so O.K., biblio/research question: anyone know anything about a the life, thoughts, work or writings of a 19th century Homeopathy or Eclectic medicine advocate, named “Charles E. Taylor, M.D., F.A.A.,” of St. Thomas, Danish West Indies? Or about “The Medical Advocate” newsletter, active in the 1880s?
I’m asking because in this article on “Freethought in Medicine”: http://ift.tt/1jPLkix
. . . . alongside a generally blistering attack on government privileges and monopolies to favored methods in medical care, and phrases like “The very essence of social advancement being rebellion, or a revolt against what is generally known as constituted authority,” we find a long block-quote about privileged scientific academies, “As an eminent writer has justly remarked.” The unnamed “eminent writer” being Bakunin, and the remark being a long quote from the section of GOD AND THE STATE on the nature of authority, “It is the characteristic of privilege, and of every privileged position, to kill the mind and heart of man. The privileged man, whether politically or economically, is a man depraved in mind and heart. . . . The greatest scientific genius, from the moment he becomes an officially licensed savant [missing phrase sic], inevitably lapses into sluggishness,” etc. etc. etc.
(INB4 homeopathy is quackery. I know it is. So was nearly all medicine in the 1880s. I’m glad we’ve moved on since then. Not relevant to this inquiry.)