Posts from August 2013

Radley Balko: “Once a town gets a SWAT team you want to use it” [via Facebook]

Rad Geek People’s Daily 2013-08-16 – We knew that the world would not be the same. [via Facebook]

Rad Geek People’s Daily 2013-08-16 – Billionaires for Bing or Orr [via Facebook]

The Bottom of the Sea (1892). By Miriam Daniell in LIBERTY Vol. IX.—No. 8, Whole No. 242… [via Facebook]

Animation legend Hayao Miyazaki under attack in Japan for anti-war film [via Facebook]

Dying Teen Is Being Denied A Heart Transplant Because He’s Had Trouble With The Law [via Facebook]

August 15, 2013 at 09:25AM [via Facebook]