Anarchism and Socialism (1902). By A. LeRoy Loubal in FREE SOCIETY Vol. IX. No. 49, Whole No…. [via Facebook]
To-day Fair Use Repository: “Anarchism and Socialism” by A. LeRoy Loubal, from FREE SOCIETY IX.49 (December7, 1902). 6-7.
“The Socialist, seeing the great benefit these captains enjoy, and the economy of their system, would substitute government for the captains, and by retaining their system turn the great profit into the pockets of the people. He [sic] would cure the trust by turning it over to government. He would cure monopoly by a greater monopoly. He would destroy wage slavery by making government the only employer. He would capture the powers of government, and turn their forces to the advantage of labor instead of capital. . . . Centralization, the main principle of Socialism, is beginning to dominate the old parties, especially the party in power, while their scheme of government ownership is advocated by both parties, . . . The fact seems to be the Socialist presupposes a difference in individuals. The individuals that run their administration will be good men and do it for the good of the community.
“The Anarchist takes no stock in any institution, knowing that human nature is about the same all around. He [sic] knows that any scheme for the good of all must be run by individuals, and their good will be looked after first. He takes no stock in any government. It must be run by individuals who, being human, must consider self first. The government is simply a political trust. When it absorbs the industrial trust, it may be more trust-full, but the Anarchist wouldn’t trust it. . . .
“The Anarchist takes no stock in politics, believing it based on the principle of war. Its object is to get an advantage over its opponent, its ballot is simply the bullet of force. . . .”
– A. LeRoy Loubal
Anarchism and Socialism (1902). By A. LeRoy Loubal in FREE SOCIETY Vol. IX. No. 49, Whole No….
Anarchism and Socialism.Of course I mean State Socialism, there is none other but non-State Socialism, which is Anarchism. And while true Socialism is Anarchism, it is well to line up our forces as Anarchists.The final battle will be between the forces of Anarchism and State Socialism. Let us hope t…
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- —Rad Geek