InterOccupy | #OpOK Update: Oklahoma Relief [via Facebook]
From InterOccupy: helping to coordinate shelters, drop-offs, donations, food banks, communications & connectivity.
“The absolutely devastating impact of the Tornados in Oklahoma has prompted a concentrated relief effort for those who have suffered in this region. There is no limit to who you can help or what you can do… but please do something. Many #AmeriSec members and other humanitarian groups will be on scene to help in anyway we can. This is an operation that all can assist with and if money, transportation or any issues that would hinder you from being able to help please, use social media, video and any other means to KEEP the word moving. As we have seen with #OccupySandy the impact of individuals helping with natural disaster has a tremendous impact… So Please assist in any way you can. WE ARE LEGION and WE have the ability to assist in the suffering on the ground so please help!”
InterOccupy | #OpOK Update: Oklahoma Relief
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- —Rad Geek