Posts from February 2013

Facebook: Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature

Facebook: To My Male Relatives on Facebook Who ‘Like’ Sexism | The Nation

Facebook: February 04, 2013 at 04:19PM

Sometimes, when somebody says “Why don’t you ever see [feminists, anti-war activists, gun control opponents, tax protesters, liberals, libertarians, environmentalists, right-wing populists, left-wingers, …] talk about [this issue that seems hypocritical of them not to talk about]?!” they have made a thorough effort to look through a systematic sampling of the things said by their political opponents, and have made a good-faith effort to find them saying something about that issue, and they failed to find anything. Sometimes it is possible for this to be the result of good-faith research and genuine curiosity rather than a cheap partisan gotcha game. Sometimes, but almost never.

Facebook: Scientists Confirm That Skeleton Found in Parking Lot Is Richard III

Facebook: Scientists Confirm That Skeleton Found in Parking Lot Is Richard III

Facebook: Bookshop re-opens » Freedom Press – The Home of Freedom Books and Freedom Newspaper

Facebook: Socialist Economics and the Labor Movement (1888). By Victor Yarros in LIBERTY Vol. V No. 22 – Vol..

Facebook: 4 years after probe, no justice for victims of alleged cop misconduct

Facebook: Buy a Book, Fund a Dream! | Firestorm Cafe & Books