Posts from February 2013

Facebook: Details emerge in LAPD’s mistaken shooting of newspaper carriers

Facebook: February 08, 2013 at 10:21PM

Over 400,000 victims of border laws were deported last year. Nearly half a million people in one year alone. Barack Obama’s treatment of immigrants is shameful.

Facebook: February 07, 2013 at 04:50PM

  1. Considered reading more of an AnarchistNews comment thread including the line “Stop calling me a liberal you fucking liberal”

  2. Remembered it’s an AnarchistNews comment thread including the line “Stop calling me a liberal you fucking liberal;” decided not to spend any more time reading it.

  3. Instantly felt better about just about everything in the world.

Facebook: Police shoot two in Torrance in search for ex-LAPD cop

Facebook: Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature

Facebook: Courthouse News Service

Facebook: February 04, 2013 at 06:32PM

So this is a highly experimental, sort of Rube Goldbergish gee-gaw which I’ve been tinkering with on and off for a couple days, and it is emphatically not yet really polished or intended for serious public consumption. But,

I’ve been toying with different ways of trying to make more of the scanned material I have from FREE SOCIETY easily browseable and digestible on your end, while providing some back-end PHP magic to make it as trivial as possible on my end to just upload a file to the website and have it quickly get integrated into the TOC.

Any thoughts on how it looks/works on your end (other than “God, a frameset interface, what is this, 1997”)?

FREE SOCIETY: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature Vol. IX, No. 3 (January 19, 1902)