Posts from February 2013
Comment on Man or Austroman? by Rad Geek
But Frodo only reclaimed Bag-End after the rightful occupant had been murdered, and his sole surviving heir had willingly handed the property over to go live with her family in Hardbottle.
The Bilbovian Proviso might be more on-point.
Comment on Man or Austroman? by Rad Geek
I hope you don’t mind, but we moved in a family of 7 subsistence-farming squatters to occupy and use your website while you were away.
Rad Geek commented on 'our aesthetic/sexual identities: a sketch'
Hey Crispy,
So, just like in the interest of complicating this some more, can you tell me like whether you can take in this or this as like anything other than "a celebration of artifice, an apotheosis of appearance, an orientation toward spectacle"? Because really it seems to me obvious that even completely setting aside the troubling of aesthetics of sincerity and authenticity that you quite rightly point to, it just seems to me that "your side" as you understand it has some pretty extensive and really at this point quite overt theatrics of artifice and spectacle going on and going through it.