Facebook: Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature
Just found the attribution of authorship (a blurb on “A Catechism of Anarchy,” in FREE SOCIETY), which I’ve been looking for on and off for the past four months, eureka.
p. 4, “Notes:”
“Comrade Mary Hansen of Philadelphia, to whom some have attributed the authorship of ‘A Catechism of Anarchy,’ requests us to state that it is a Communistic production, belonging to the Anarchists of the Social Science Club. She wrote the original draft of it, and was then gone over by members of the club, and discussed, and revised and altered. The name of the club was not inserted on the leaflet for the reason that all the members of the club are not Anarchists.”
Free Society: A Periodical of Anarchist Work, Thought and Literature
Table of Contents provided by the Fair Use Repository. The scanÂning effort and the resulting facÂsimÂilÂes are thanks to Charles W. Johnson.
via Facebook http://fair-use.org/free-society/issue/355- —Rad Geek