Facebook: January 25, 2013 at 10:41AM
So I am thinking about starting a new series of zines for ALL Distro which is intended to put out interesting and potentially somewhat idiosyncratic writing from within the individualist, mutualist, & market anarchist conversations. Similar in format to the Market Anarchy Zine Series but aiming a bit less at being broadly representative of M@ tendencies and educationally focused, more aiming at putting out idiosyncratic views that any given individualist will hopefully find interesting but also will be as likely as not to disagree / want to argue with, and certainly where it will be presumed that I as editor probably disagree with at least something in everything that I am publishing. Occasionally historical, probably mostly contemporary material. Here’s a question I’ll throw out to y’all: (1) is this the sort of thing you’d be likely to be interested in checking out? (2) Any awesome ideas for a good name for the series? Something like “Individualist Perspectives” or “Individual Liberty” would be an accurate title for the series but I am trying to think of things that don’t you know sound totally fragging boring.