Posts from January 2013
Facebook: January 30, 2013 at 08:23AM
I think . . . I think I just finished transcribing the “Property in Ideas” controversy from LIBERTY (1890-1891)? Unless something unexpected turns up in my due-diligence scans of the contents for the next few issues.
radgeek on I am David Graeber, an anthropologist, activist, anarchist and author of Debt. AMA.
By: Rad Geek
Yes, I condemn racialism on individualist grounds. Also on the grounds that it is stupid. I largely agree with Sheldon's statements on the topic.
The entire point of this article is that part of being an individualist is choosing what kind of cooperative relationships and communities you are going to be a part of. Anti-racist solidarity and multicultural communities are exercises of cooperation and community as much as racialism and xenophobia are; and they have the significant advantages that they are forms of cooperation and community which are based on chosen encounters and alliances, and based on evolving and adaptable forms of identification which aren't riveted to a brutalizingly, idiotically collectivist obsession with the genealogical predicament you happen to have been born into.
My recent post On Being Pretty Much O.K. With That. (Factories, Corporate Secrecy, and Free-Market Anti-Capitalism Edition.)
Facebook: January 27, 2013 at 03:19PM
is scanning Vol. 3 of The Liberator.
Facebook: January 27, 2013 at 11:51AM
Anarchist signatures research question: There is an “H. W. Koehn” who appears frequently in the pages of FREE SOCIETY ca. 1902, both as a letter-writer and also responded to by the editors. He describes himself as having been a “comrade and chum” of Dyer Lum’s, wrote some letters against the need for expropriation, made some criticism of state socialists as having a too narrowly materialistic view of life, and was classed by Ross Winn et al. amongst the “philosophic” anarchists (at a time when those folks both used this term as a by-word for Tuckerites, but also as a put-down for anti-insurrectionists, which didn’t necessarily mean the same groups of people). Anyway, question is: is this H. W. Koehn possibly Herman Kuehn, later of Instead of a Magazine, etc.? Or is there some other clear candidate for who it might be?
Facebook: January 27, 2013 at 09:09AM
had a dream last night that involved explaining the technicalities of my position on stateless public property and why I reject Hoppean covenant communities under market anarchy, apparently to my work contact at a recent web development client? I normally don’t remember much of my dreams, but I guess this is the kind of thing that sticks with me.