Re: Why I’m Not a Bleeding-Heart Libertarian
Well, I'm not here to defend Ron Paul's political platform, or the views of Rand, Nozick, or Hayek.
I'm inclined to agree that there are some serious structural reasons why libertarian minarchism is so prone to fetishize state power over every other form of bullying power, and why it is prone to neglect the need for public, democratic responses to entrenched prejudice, corporate power, social and economic forms of domination, etc. To the extent that this is true, I think that's something that sucks about libertarian minarchism. But I am not a minarchist. (And if the author thinks that that's the only kind of American libertarian that there is -- or that American libertarianism was, say, founded by "Nozick et al." (!) -- then I can only gently suggest that they are writing outside of their area of expertise.)
I am an anarchist, and as such I have a fundamentally different picture of what the public is and how it relates to the state. My problem with both conventional minarchism and post-classical liberalism is their shared premise that a public or democratic response necessarily means the use of legal force by a democratically-governed state. Conventional minarchists take this as a reason to narrow public action to the tiny number of circumstances in which they consider the use of legal force acceptable. Post-classical liberals take it as a reason to broaden the sphere of legal force to any circumstance where public action is called for. I take it as a reason to reject the underlying authoritarian theory of politics in favor of a more supple conception, which allows for the importance of public action through grassroots organizing and radical, non-state social movements.
Whether or not this view is representative of "American libertarian" depends of course on the American libertarian that you ask. Of course there are many people who call themselves libertarians who are quite committed to a relatively conservative, minarchistic view. But there are many others who are not. And I would argue that there is nothing in the core commitments of libertarian politics which would require them to be so. (In fact I would argue that the minarchists are engaged in a fundamental inconsistency, and that the most consistent libertarians must be both anarchists and anti-authoritarians of a very broad and militant sort.)
Hope this helps.