Facebook: Rad Geek People’s Daily 2012-09-19 – Well then I suppose they will lose their waffle cones as well a
Ed Novak, Spokesman For The Pennsylvania Department Of Banking, on why he intends to find a way to shut down a small ice-cream parlor’s no-fee community banking alternative, by hook or by crook: “But we are going to do something. You can’t mess with people’s money. … If the ice-cream store goes under, who knows what happens?”
Well then I suppose the depositors will lose their waffle cones as well as their principal. But really, much as I understand that the purpose of Departments Of Banking is to insulate entrenched capitalists from market competition, by any means necessary, still, I do have to wonder how you ever get to a point in your life where you can actually say stuff like this in public without just falling over laughing at yourself.
This is a page from theRad Geek People’s Dailyweblog, which has been written and maintained byCharles Johnsonatradgeek.comsince 2004.
via Facebook http://radgeek.com/gt/2012/09/19/waffle-cones-community-banking/