Posts from December 2012

radgeek on “FeedWordPress and WYSIWYG”

Hey y'all,

Thanks for the report backs on this, and for the kind words. I am sorry for any unpleasant surprises that the original decision may have caused. I just wanted to let you know that I've implemented the solution I mentioned above for the Visual Editor tab: it will now appear, but if and only if the setting under Posts & Links > Formatting Filters is set to "Expose syndicated posts to formatting filters." When this setting is set to "Protect," using the Visual Editor to edit posts would result in mangled formatting on posts (mainly, edited posts will look like they've had all their paragraphs-breaks and line-breaks stripped out). So in that case the Visual Editor will be disabled. But if this setting is set to "Expose," using the Visual Editor won't have the same bad effects on formatting. So if it is set to "Expose," then the Visual Editor tab will appear when editing syndicated posts.

The fix is available currently on Github, and will be rolled into the next incremental release of FeedWordPress, which I plan to release tomorrow (Monday 12/17) after I've had a chance to run through other outstanding issue reports.

radgeek on “[Plugin: FeedWordPress] Call to a member function setting()”

Hey there,

Thanks again for this bug report! I believe that I have identified the source of the error. (It took a bit of chasing to figure out what's going on, but it had to do with the handling of feeds that have been deactivated, but which still have posts from them archived in the wp_posts table.) It should be fixed in the current version of FWP on Github, and will be rolled into the incremental release that I'm putting out on Monday. Tentatively, unless I see it cropping up again, I'll mark this resolved when the new version is released.

Hope this helps.


radgeek on “[Plugin: FeedWordPress] Call to a member function setting()”

Hey there,

Thanks again for this bug report! I believe that I have identified the source of the error. (It took a bit of chasing to figure out what's going on, but it had to do with the handling of feeds that have been deactivated, but which still have posts from them archived in the wp_posts table.) It should be fixed in the current version of FWP on Github, and will be rolled into the incremental release that I'm putting out on Monday. Tentatively, unless I see it cropping up again, I'll mark this resolved when the new version is released.

Hope this helps.


radgeek on Honest question – anarchist position on gun control?

> Everyone is in favor of some kind of gun control. Those with mental disorders and violent tendencies should be kept from accessing dangerous weapons. Speak for yourself, please. If I were only 20 years older, I would have been diagnosed with a "mental disorder" for my sexual orientation. As it stands I am all too aware of the numerous ways in which psychiatric diagnosis is used to marginalize, stigmatize, regulate and control people along traditional lines of social privilege, and to confine those who have done nothing wrong other than deviating from oppressive community norms. I have less than zero interest in giving institutional psychiatry any privilege at all in determining who can be stripped of means for self-defense.

radgeek on Honest question – anarchist position on gun control?

> Obviously the choice itself should be left to each community to democratically make. Well I guess that would seem pretty obvious to me, too, if I believed in democracy or majority rule. But I don't. I am an Anarchist. "Communities" don't have authority over people who peacefully decline to be bound by the will of the majority. If folks have weapons on hand but they aren't using those weapons to coerce or impose on or assault anyone, then it is hardly the "community's" business, and there is no way that a "community" can "democratically" control their access to those weapons except (1) by means of universal consensus, in which case it's hardly "controlling" so much as an universally agreed set of best practices, which the weapon-owners themselves are participating in; or else (2) by means of the more numerous or more powerful faction *non*-consensually constraining the dissenting minority, in which case what you have is a dominating exercise of privilege. But of course it is clear that you mean (2), not (1), since you have laid out a fairly extensive bureaucratic mechanism for stripping people of their weapons without their consent if the community, or those acting in its name, decide that they can't handle them responsibly. The rest of your comment is a laundry-list of increasingly authoritarian proposals to prop up the core privilege (of the ruling majority over the dissenting minority) by means of appealing to, and massively reinforcing, a number of other toxic privileges, notably the privileging of a diffuse "community" bureaucracy to "register" hunting grounds and ranges, license gun-owners, enforce testing standards, etc.; the privileging of "extensively trained" warriors over the disarmed populace (!); and the privilege of medical experts and institutional psychiatry. These are in fact some of the most toxic forms of privilege in the history of the world, have repeatedly been used to target, constrain, confine, disarm, disenfranchise and/or institutionalize the most socially marginalized and the most vulnerable people, and the privileged authorities in each of these cases (warriors, shrinks and bureaucratic administrators) are more or less inevitably proves to be the most conservative defenders of status-quo power in any community. They are exactly the last people in the world any radical should ever trust with any ability to limit people's access to means for self-defense. Now giving community authorities extensive power to control the non-aggressive behavior of dissenting minorities is of course something that looks a lot like democracy, in one sense of the word democracy. But this being /r/Anarchism and me being an Anarchist, I think it is important to note that it's pretty hard to see in it anything that resembles anarchic social relations.

Facebook: Rad Geek People’s Daily 2012-12-14 – Grassroots Expansion for Red Emma’s in Baltimore

radgeek on “FeedWordPress and WYSIWYG”

Hey Morgan,

No problem. It didn't get into the 2012.1212 release because I needed to move quickly on a couple of other issues, but it will be in the next iterative release, which should hopefully happen over the weekend or the beginning of next week.

In the meantime, while you are waiting on that fix, here is a quick fix that should forcibly override what FWP is trying to do, if you are able to edit the files in your WordPress Theme. Open up your functions.php file in an editor, and add the following code near the top, somewhere underneath the opening <?php prefix but before much of anything else happens in the script:

1001, // After FWP
function user_can_too_richedit_feedwordpress ($rich_edit) {
return true; // Override FWP's override

If you try this out, let me know whether it works for you. If not, I'll do a few tests to try to troubleshoot. If so, then great; you should only need to leave it in functions.php for a few days until the new FWP release supplies a better fix.

radgeek on “FeedWordPress and WYSIWYG”

Hey Morgan,

No problem. It didn't get into the 2012.1212 release because I needed to move quickly on a couple of other issues, but it will be in the next iterative release, which should hopefully happen over the weekend or the beginning of next week.

In the meantime, while you are waiting on that fix, here is a quick fix that should forcibly override what FWP is trying to do, if you are able to edit the files in your WordPress Theme. Open up your functions.php file in an editor, and add the following code near the top, somewhere underneath the opening <?php prefix but before much of anything else happens in the script:

1001, // After FWP
function user_can_too_richedit_feedwordpress ($rich_edit) {
return true; // Override FWP's override

If you try this out, let me know whether it works for you. If not, I'll do a few tests to try to troubleshoot. If so, then great; you should only need to leave it in functions.php for a few days until the new FWP release supplies a better fix.

radgeek on “WordPress 3.5 Beta 3 and FeedWordPress Issues”

@Old Cow, @kbunt, and @Purusothaman,

Thanks for posting about this. The behavior is actually deliberate -- it's kind of a crappy attempt to deal with a crappy situation caused by the interaction between the Visual Editor's assumption that all posts edited in it will be run through WP formatting filters, and FeedWordPress's assumption that syndicated posts arrive in ready-to-display full HTML, without needing to go through formatting filters. I received enough bug reports resulting from this bad interaction that I decided to cut off the Visual Editor for posts syndicated through FWP. (If your Visual Editor is disabled also for posts you create locally -- e.g. by using Post --> Add New -- let me know ASAP; that'd be a bug.) Anyway, the reasons for this, a quick workaround fix for those who need it, and an upcoming solution, are all discussed in this thread here:
