Facebook: November 01, 2012 at 04:21PM

ALL Distro subscribers: I just received 2 different shipments returned to me by the US Post Office for the September 2012 issues of Market Anarchy and Anarchist Classics Series, with some fairly unhelpful notices claiming that they could not be delivered to the recipient’s address.* Since it took them a month to get back to me about this problem, I have relatively little idea what’s been successfully delivered and what is still floating in the aether. SO, if you are an ACS or MA series subscriber, and you HAVE NOT yet received either your issue(s) for September 2012, OR your issue(s) for October 2012, please let me know and I’ll do what I can to get you a replacement copy ASAP.

(* These being the same addresses I’ve had on file, and been sending booklets to, for the past year.)


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