Posts from May 2011

Comment on Atlas Shrunk, Part 7: Parturiunt Montes by Rad Geek

Well, if you’re all into the villainy and such. It is definitely the role (of the major interesting roles) that would be the most accessible to a good contemporary script-writer and a good contemporary actor. (There’s a lot going on with Maeglin, but not much that would really be beyond their ken.)

In an ideal production of the Fall of Gondolin, I think that the real plum role would actually be that of Turgon. He is a great character (awesome in the classic sense), but also in many ways a sort of Denethor-figure,(*) who would call for some subtle writing and real acting chops. But having seen the botch they already made of Denethor in ROTK, no matter how much I may enjoy and admire their virtues, I would have to realistically expect something less than the ideal from Jackson, Walsh and Boyens on that particular point. (**)

(*) I mean Denethor as he is before the wounding of Faramir and his final madness.

(**) But probably not in the same way that they botched Denethor. What would be more likely is that they’d simply fail to see the likeness in motives and position–and portray him as much less complicated in his goodness than he actually is. Maybe they’d manage to toss in a bit of flashback-angst over the Kinslaying.