... Indeed. And also different things by "socialist."
... Juan, Oh, well, clearly if something is socialistic, it can't be libertarian. Therefore not even voluntary socialism is libertarian. Therefore, contrary to
... Nope. The use of "libertarian" in English long predates those New Deal era terminological realignments. See for example Tucker's occasional use of the term
... If you admittedly don't know what you're talking about and don't care to find out anything about it, why are you still talking about it? For reference,
... I don't know about the background elsewhere in Europe, but in Britain and the U.K., the reasons why it first came to be commonly recommended by the medical
... Rand apparently also expressed something of a studied agnosticism on the topic of human evolution (cf.
... Incidentally, 20 years ago, did you favor police beating up Rodney King? I ask because people label themselves all kinds of things, but I'm more interested
... Well, O.K., but *Rockwell* wasn't a Republican 20 years ago; he was claiming to be a radical libertarian. In fact, he was claiming that this sort of vile
... Oh, come on Josh. "Bring them"? And if they decide that they don't want to be "brought"? There is no way to forcibly exile people from their homes without
... Right. So why do you suppose that it is that it's so much rarer to see soi-disant libertarians disagreeing about locking innocent drug users in cages for a