Re: Portland Police Provoke Anarchist Coffee Shop

I wouldn’t dare to speculate about why people like Trotsky became won to Bolshevism. But I don’t know why you think that people like the butcher of Kronstadt would be good figures to appeal to around a bunch of Anarchists.

In any case, if your “successful anti-capitalist revolution” includes industrial conscription, the dismantling of all independent trade unions, the Red Army, the Cheka, and confiscating grain while 5,000,000 peasants starve to death, then I have to wonder what “anti-capitalism” means to you; apparently you don’t have in mind the end of bosses, death squads, political repression, militarism, or (literal) starvation wages. If that’s what “success” looks like, what in the world would you count as a failure?

If I can’t survive, I don’t want to be part of your revolution.


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