Then and now

“Four decades ago, the Democrats fought the right fight.”

Four decades ago, the Democratic Party in my home state was ardently committed to the strategy of “massive resistance” to desegregation. The Freedom Movement was fighting against the established Democrat power structure; a Democrat mayor fought for bus segregation tooth and nail, a Democrat governor proclaimed “segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever,” and a Democrat police commissioner turned firehoses and attack dogs on unarmed children. Over in Mississippi (home of Jim Eastland) and Georgia (home of Richard Russell) and Arkansas (home of Orval Faubus) the situation wasn’t much different.

“What kind of Democratic Party would greet Dr. King today?”

I find it hard to imagine how the Democratic Party of today could manage to displease Dr. King more than it did at the time, given that at the time it was held in a stranglehold by his cruelest and most powerful enemies.


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