I’m sure you’re right…

I’m sure you’re right that DeVos’s religious beliefs contribute to (and express) a particular kind of authoritarianism which is intimately connected with corporate statism, and I’m not much keener on would-be liberal or Left billionaires than I you are (although I think you and I may disagree over the relationship between anarchism and the Left properly understood). But my question was more one of focus: whatever may be wrong with Rich DeVos as a person, I’m not sure how relevant that is to understanding the problem with taking money from unwilling people for the private interest of a billionaire’s pet sports team. My question is whether you think that a rotten guy getting the loot makes the looting any worse than it already was (and, to flip it around, whether a good person getting the loot would make the looting significantly less bad).

Oh! And the icon is not Benjamin Tucker (although that’d be another good icon for my account…). It’s the German logician Gottlob Frege (1848-1925).


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