My preferences come into…

My preferences come into the picture as the answer to your question: “If so, in what way are you actually opposed to state Communism?” I would prefer a different state of affairs. That would seem to clearly mark me as “opposed to state Communism.”

If you are only going to cite your preferences and not any further fact that gives the reasons for your preferences, then they mark you as “opposed to state Communism” in exactly the same sense in which my loathing for mustard on hot dogs marks me as “opposed to mustard on hot dogs” (and in which the tastes of those who like the foul stuff mark them as “supporting mustard on hot dogs”). But I wasn’t surveying your tastes; I was asking you what, if anything, is wrong with state Communism under the theory that you apparently use to justify intellectual property claims. So far I can’t find any answer.


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