funnie: by contrasting some…
by contrasting some phrases of littleviolet’s with your opinion of the answer to my question, perhaps in order to make your assumption seem perfectly reasonable and my question seem unnecessary and/or misguided.
I’m sorry that I put your questions alongside littleviolet’s remarks, and that I misspoke. I was mainly trying to ask about littleviolet’s remarks, not to answer your questions—much less to butt in and answer them for Amp, or to try to make your questions seem unnecessary or misguided (nor do I think littleviolet’s concerns about feminist space are unnecessary or misguided either; I’m wondering about how far the concept applies). I shouldn’t have set your questions beside littleviolet’s remarks at all, since those were my main concern and I misunderstood the direction from which you were raising the questions you raise for Amp anyway.
In other words, I apologize for butting in confusedly.