Brad Hutchings on folks…

Brad Hutchings on folks who get their music for free over file-sharing networks: “They are kinda like people who cut in line or cut you off on the freeway.”

The difference, Brad, is that people who cut in line or cut you off on the freeway are annoying because, by being jerks, they interfere with your ability to make use of a shared resource. But whether or not someone downloading an MP3 and paying only for the bandwidth is doing something wrong, what they are doing neither interferes with your ability to enjoy your own music nor endangers your safety. In fact the worst you seem to be able to say about them is this:

‘For example, I am a “consumer” of Apple iTunes. It pisses me off to no end that other “consumers” are too cheap to pony up a few bucks a week for music they enjoy, instead leaching it from P2P networks.’

So other people don’t put their money into the same things that you do. Good Lord what a priggish busybody you are. Haven’t you got anything better to fume about?


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